Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merriest Christmases are the Best

Kensi always wants to Swing at Grandma and Grandpa's, even if there is snow to play in on the ground. Had to put this picture of the cute niece.
Opining presents of Christmas with Kensi this year was wonderful. She was the only one who opened any presents on Christmas morning. She loved her gifts and opening everyone elses.

Pajama picture with the kensi pout.

Christmas was wonderful this year, we were able to travel to Utah and back without any event. Kensi was wonderful on the drive. We had a wonderful time with all our family.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kensi's birthday and the big snow!

The start of kensi's birthday her and her friend Gracie making her chocolate cake!

Getting ready to play in the first big snowfall of the year!
playing with daddy she had so much fun for the little minute that she played then of course she was cold!

Determined to swing even though there was a foot of snow on it but nothing that a brush off cant help.

Kensi's birthday cake attempted to look like a giant donut but I'm far from a good decorator!

Kensi's toys from grandma London we got mega blocks because they are the favorite toy to play with at grandma's

A musical sit and spin but it was kinda hard for her to understand how to spin herself! so basically it is a fancy music maker!

Our snow craziness we shoveled and then went to bed and woke up as though we had done nothing it is about 18 in to 2 ft of snow after one night it is awesome but a pain to shovel!

more of the shoveling

Poor Mark shoveling our driveway it is a long one and everyone told us the winters weren't bad here so we have not invested in any snow removal equipment accept last Saturday we bought a shovel and thank heavens for that!
Everything with mark and I is good like said kensi just celebrated her 2nd birthday. and Mark is liking his job more and more even today because he gets to work from home because they closed to the interstate! I start training at my job tonight for the next couple of weeks on the floor and I have to train full time so wish me luck with that! baby London is growing quickly and coming from one of my young women " you're huge" makes me know for sure that it is growing! we should find out on the 22nd what we are having but if we don't find out then then it wont be until the end because we only get 3 us total and the one in a couple of weeks is our second one! so we are excited and glad to be so blessed at this time. We are grateful that we were able to go home for thanksgiving and even more grateful to be going home for Christmas! we love the holidays mainly for the fact that family gets to be close! well that is us in a nutshell and we wish everyone a merry Christmas.

Monday, November 9, 2009

halloween and our girls night

our crazy girls weekend this is only part of the gifts that we bought.
our cute little girls walkin so cute!

off to trick or treat! kensi did so good at saying at saying trick or treat but then she wanted to go into there house!

this is my costume and how I ammounced to my ward they didn't get it until I told!

My beautiful tinkerbell
Kensi and I had a fun week up with grandma this last week! the girls weekend was also a blast!
Mark had no fun at all hanging out by himself but he did a good job at cleaning the house and having dinner on the table when I came home from a 9 hour drive he is wonderful!!
I'm sure everyone knows by now but our baby number 2 is due may 14 and I am 13 weeks and would be extremely sick but unisom and vit b6 have saved me actually when I forget to take it I can't stop throwing up so it gives me a glimps of how wonderful the medication is!!
so I hope everyone had a wonderful halloween!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Me shooting a pistol these are the sort of fun games we play here in arizona when we camp!
Mark shooting the pistol he hit every target right on and was one of the only ones who did!

Eating wonderful peach cobler that Brianne Ford made it was amazing!

Mark with al the babies, Tolby, Kensi, and Quintin!

Two of my closest friends here Brianne and Katie

Kensi loves Jason and he is wonderful with kids I was getting frustrated with Kensi and Jason took her on a nature walk!


sitting around the fire!

Trying to play cards with Katie but as obvious a couple too many kids to actually play!

Had to throw this one in kensi and mark with their aprons on cookin me dinner, Mark was on his way to do splits with the Missionaries and me and Kensi on our way to young women but the meal was wonderful!
As for everything else Mark is loving his job just about done with all of his training! which will be nice because 8 hours of class 5 days a week is getting old! Kensi is still a handful but a fun one at that She is better at nursery now and is starting to know all her friends better here! can officially count to ten on her own and sings twinkle twinkle and ABC's all the time! She thinks everything is cute or perfect and it is wonderful to watch her grow!
As for me I got a job at the Flagstaff Medical Center and have not started yet but train at the end of the month! I'm only prn so that means no benifits but I only work when I want and I just have to maintain at least 32 hours a month! it is perfect for being a mom! I'm float pool for the ICU/ CVICU and Tele so where ever needed that is where I will be anyway sorry it's been a while since a post and hopefully you enjoy this one because who knows when the next will be!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Our wonderful Visitors!

Okay so get ready for a ton of pictures on our fun filled week we had so much fun!!!

The steam train they use at this time of the year it is fun to hear real train sounds and it is eco friendly it runs on vegitable oil!
Kibab lake it is s fun one that we like!

Kensi attempting to put all the rocks in the lake!

Throwing rocks!

Swiming at Aunt joys was so fun lots of toys and lote to do we had such a wonderful time there! and

Mark got one of his dreams to ride in the BMW Z4 and he loved it we even went on the free way to test it's speed!

She is such a good swimmer!


Kensi got to go too because Londyn wanted to go so we borrowed the car seat!
Cute Londyn and Kensi shoine of their hair on our fancy new deck!

Ready . . . .

Get set . . . .


Lovin it Kensi went off the zip line at aunt Joys house she wasnt even scared they said that she was the smallest person that has gone off it! I even went on it as did londyn it was really fun but quite high so I was proud of the two girls wanting to go!!

The two girls at the soccer game it was way fun They loved that they would run around! Go girls NAU!
Markie and Londyn getting ready for the soccer game!

Our Newest friend at the Grand canyon he kept getting in Kensi's stroller! I have spilt ice cream a little while ago and he was licking it. it was hillarious!

Me and Londyn at the grand canyon and she even has a grand canyon cowboy hat on!

Markie and the girls laying on the deck in the cold!

We were so grateful that Bec, Phil, Londyn, and Irelynd were able to come down it was wonderful for kensi to have someone to play with and nice to have some adults around the house! thank you guys so much we miss you already and love you tonz. we had a blast!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

house photos!

this is the only picture I have of them in their worn form!! so this is the before Picture!!
And after to Match the crib!

Closer up!

And the other dresser! sorry it's blurry

Master suite finally decorated!

Master bath I was debating whether to hand a picture of the family or the temple and mark said that he would only pee to an outhouse and so I found one online for him!! Happy peeing Mark!! lol

My master with pictures hung!

our entry hall! eventually we will build a computer desk and this will be a bench under the grouping!

The famous phillipino picture that Rick fought for thanks for the fight so we could have some wonderful modern philippino art!